
Alabama Power (Copy)

For the past 3 years I’ve served as the creative director for Alabama Power’s relationship with Big Communications. The role has brought a wide variety of projects, each requiring creative oversight of the strategic approach, creative concept, writing and design.

When the World Games put Alabama on the world stage, Alabama Power wanted to use the state’s majestic natural beauty to convince tech workers and entrepreneurs to relocate to Alabama. It might not be why they should come to Alabama, but it will be why they stay.

Alabama Power has a reliability rating of 99.98%. But that hasn’t stopped them from constantly working to improve the grid to provide even more reliable service. Explaining what they’re doing to improve service could come off as dry and forgettable. But using precocious kids (and a little bit of humor) to explain it, that was a recipe for success. Customer surveys showed the campaign helped to increase Alabama Power’s favorability rating from 73.9% to 83.1%.

I served as the creative director on Alabama Power’s relaunch of the Shorelines brand, overseeing the creation of the new visual identity including logo, type and color. We also created a social campaign to simply communicate how checking the Shorelines app should be the start to any day at the lake.